Posts Tagged with "deep-work"
#19: High quality worktime and creative productivity.
Creative work depends far more on the quality of work time than its quantity. From times of deep work and in a state of flow come breakthroughs.Read more →
#19a: The perils of distraction on productivity.
Software development is a creative field, and so the engineers, designers, and product managers whose creative output comprise most of their work depend greatly on the quality of their work time.Read more →
Reference #137: Peopleware
Due to the distractions present in a work day, overtime — or, starting early or staying late — is often used not as a means to increase the quantity of work time but rather its quality.Read more →
Reference #143: Peopleware
For knowledge work, what's important is not just the quantity of time spent on work, but also that time's quality.Read more →
Reference #144: Peopleware
Certain types of work — such as engineering, design, or writing — require a state of flow to be done productively. Re-entering flow after an interruption costs a re-immersion time of over 15 minutes.Read more →