Posts Tagged with "habit"
#14a: How action drives change in an individual.
Repeated actions create habits. Habits drive behaviour change. Behaviour change drives a change in belief. Hence through repeated action can a person change themselves.Read more →
#14a1: Repeated actions change organisational beliefs.
The connection between repeated action and belief change is not only true for an individual but also for an organisation. New ways of thinking and acting brought from the outside, or internal mobilisation to respond to a changing world, drive organisational change.Read more →
#14a2: Viewing technology as a driver for behaviour change is hazardous.
Habit, not a tool or technology, is what's important for change. Yet we often consider technology adoption a goal in itself.Read more →
Reference #30: What Got You Here Won't Get You There
Attaching a financial cost to continuing a bad behaviour — or a benefit to displaying a positive one — adds a strong incentive to change.Read more →
Reference #142: Peopleware
Habit, not a tool or technology, is what's important for change.Read more →
Reference #289: The First 90 Days
At the end of each day, evaluate how the day went and how well you met your goals.Read more →
Reference #500: The Bullet Journal Method
And his "Moral Letters to Lucilius", Seneca instructs us assess our day at the end of each day.Read more →
Reference #503: The Bullet Journal Method
As Bruce Lee said, what is important is not the daily increase but the daily decrease.Read more →
Reference #504: The Bullet Journal Method
The Japanese word "kaizen" in roughly translate as good ("kai") change ("zen"). It can also be translated as "continual improvement".Read more →