Posts Tagged with "leverage"
Reference #390: Thinking in Systems
Leverage points are places in a system where a small change applied can lead to a large change in behaviour. According to Jay Forrester, most managers experienced at working in their system are able to guess accurately where leverage points may be found. Yet these points are often counterintuitive.Read more →
Reference #391: Thinking in Systems
Meadows identified twelve places within a system to find leverage points. From lowest to highest leverage, they are as follows:Read more →
Reference #392: Thinking in Systems
Parameters, and adjustment of them, have very little leverage over system behaviours. Such adjustments include the price a company sets for its product, the minimum wage, or how much tax money is spent on a particular area.Read more →
Reference #394: Thinking in Systems
Physical structures are crucial to a system, yet they are rarely leverage points as they are slow and often difficult to change. Instead, leverage in these areas comes from proper initial design.Read more →