Posts Tagged with "vision"
#6: Strategy vs. vision.
Strategy is not vision. Strategy has more in common with the minutiae of tactics than the aspirations of vision. Strategy provides a clear assessment of the situation — being strategic means to confront reality.Read more →
#6b: Mission, vision, and strategy.
Mission is the "what" of your organisation, vision the "why", and strategy the "how".Read more →
Reference #40: An Elegant Puzzle
A strategy is practical, detailed, and provides an approach to a specific problem. Write as many strategy documents as you need.Read more →
Reference #196: The First 90 Days
As an organisational leader, your direct reports play a greater role in communicating your vision and spreading critical information. The ability of your team to communicate well is important.Read more →
Reference #260: The First 90 Days
Stories and metaphors are effective tools for communicating the essence of a shared vision.Read more →
Reference #261: The First 90 Days
Repetition is invaluable for persuasive communication. To reinforce your team's understanding of and commitment to a shared vision, repeat it.Read more →
Reference #301: Empowered
The product vision serves as the shared goal for your organisation. It usually lies three to tens years out; it describes the future you were trying to create and how it improves the lives of your customers.Read more →
Leadership is direction, alignment, and commitment
Can you describe what good leadership looks like? What does it mean for leadership to “happen”? And are you doing it?Read more →