Posts Tagged with "learning"
#18: How organisations learn.
Organisations learn, yet organisations are made of individuals. These individuals are organised in a semi-static structure with the team as the fundamental unit.Read more →
#18a: Turnover loses not just the person but their knowledge.
Since organisational knowledge lies within its people, there is great hidden cost in layoffs and high turnover. Laid off staff take with them part of the organisation's learning; this partially offsets whatever expense is saved in salary cost.Read more →
Reference #111: Show Your Work
Amateurs often have an advantage over professionals. They can take chances where professionals cannot. They exhibit Shunryu Suzuki's "beginner's mind", wherein there are many possibilities (while in an expert's mind, there are few).Read more →
Reference #179: Peopleware
Chaos is an inevitable step in the process of organisational change. Virginia Satir provides the following model of change:Read more →
Reference #207: The First 90 Days
Learning should be a primary focus for your first 30 days in a new leadership role.Read more →
Reference #232: The First 90 Days
No matter your business situation. Creating a 90-day plan and getting buy-in from your boss is useful.Read more →
Reference #307: Empowered
To be effective, a product manager must have product knowledge. This is where she must spend most of her learning time during the onboarding process. Gaining this knowledge usually requires two to three months of ramp up time.Read more →
Reference #495: Organizational Culture and Leadership
For any non-trivial change or learning in an organisation, there are three stages in the change process:Read more →
Reference #496: Organizational Culture and Leadership
When faced with the need to change, you will often feel "learning anxiety" that produces resistance to change. This may result from a number of fears:Read more →
Reference #497: Organizational Culture and Leadership
To create the conditions for change and for individual learning to occur, keep in mind two principles.Read more →
Reference #498: Organizational Culture and Leadership
When you create psychological safety for people undergoing change, you enable them to feel that learning is possible and beneficial. In the context of an organisation, you can create this safety by implementing the following activities:Read more →
Reference #499: Organizational Culture and Leadership
When leading a change process, don't define the goals in terms of changes to values or beliefs, or a vague "culture change". Instead define it concretely in terms of desired behaviours.Read more →